‘AES+F’, Art Statements Gallery, Hong Kong. ISTANBUL BIENNALE, Istanbul, Turkey. GOTHENBURG BIENNALE, Roda Sten, Gothenburg, Sweden. «CLICK, I HOPE», 52nd Venice Biennale of Contemporary Art, Russian Pavilion, Jardini, Venice, Italy. «MUTATIONS I», Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow House of Photography, Moscow, Russia. «AES+F. LAST RIOT 2», The Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London, UK. «AES & AES+F. Retrospective», The State Russian Museum, St.-Petersburg, Russia.
«AES+F. KING OF THE FOREST», IMA – Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia. ‘MUTATIONS 1’, Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain, Luxembourg. FOTOFEST 2006 – The Earth / Artists Responding to Violence, The Eleventh International Biennial of Photography and Photo-related Art, Fotofest, Houston, USA. ‘ARS 06′, Kiasma Nykytaiteen musee (Museum of Contemporary Art), Helsinki, Finland.
4th TIRANA BIENNALE OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Tirana Biennale3 – Sweet Taboos / (Episodes 5), Museum of Contemporary Art, Tirana, Albania. ‘MIXED-UP CHILDHOOD’, Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand. ‘STARZ’, special project on 1st Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia.
‘Art Live 4’, Festival Internazionale di Contaminazioni, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, Italy. ‘VEIL’. Institute of International Visual Arts (inIVA), Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden. ‘5th International Month of Photography in Moscow. Photobiennial-2004’, Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Moscow House of Photography, Russia. ‘Biennale of Sydney’, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia.
‘VEIL’. Institute of International Visual Arts (inIVA), The Modern Art Oxford, Oxford, England. ‘Neue Ansätze / Zeitgenõssische Kunst aus Moscau’, Düsseldorf Kunsthalle, Germany. ‘Detente: Russian Contemporary Art In Video Format’, Slought Foundation, Philadelphia, USA.