Art Satements, Hong Kong, G262 Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium, Bourouina Gallery, Berlin, Germany, The Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium, National Museum of Glass, Leerdam, The Netherlands, Palermo gallery, Berlin, Germany
Deweer Gallery, Otegem, Belgium, Gallery 8, Dublin, Irland, Museum of Ideas, L’viv, Ukraine, Berlin Wall Project, Berlin, Germany
Art Statements, Tokyo, Japan, MX7, Antwerp, Belgium, Frans Masereel Center, Kasterlee, Belgium
Art Statements, Hong Kong, Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland, National Museum of Glass, Leerdam, The Netherlands, Expodium Utrecht, The Netherlands
Caligraphy and Body Traps, Art Statements, Hong Kong Bourouina Gallery, Berlin, Germany, Deweer Gallery, Otegem, Belgium, Open Art Space, Stuttgart, Germany, Center for Contemporary Art, Celje, Slovenia, Drawing Center, New York, USA
Open Ateliijksacademy for Visual Arts, Amsterdam, Netherlands The Hands of Art at Martha HerfDesign, Herford, Germany Museum for Contemporary Art and Jan Fabre Curalgium Contemporary tes Young Artists at Deweer Art Gallery, Otegem, BeArt & Music at The Old Prison, Hasselt, Belgium The Statement at Zuiderzeemuseum, Enkhuizen, The Netherlands Doing it My Way. Belgian Art at Museum Kueppersmuehle, Centre for Modern and Cuisburg, Germany Perspectives ont, DArt Köln Art Fa ontemporary ArirRCO Art Fair, M Köln, Germany adrid, Spain ands of Art at SMAK, The Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art, Gent, Belgium
2007 Black Marks / The mask that failed to touch the face, Project Room ZUID’ at Rijksacademy for Visual Arts, Amsterdam, Netherlands Tumbleweed – Breda Break at Lokaal 01, Breda, Netherlands, Small Stuff Three, Herrman Teirlinckhuis & Frankveld, Beersel, Belgium, Sway, Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland, Isle Foundation, Merelbeke, Belgium, Seamanshouse, Anette de Keyser Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium, The Moss Gathering Tumbleweed Experience at NICC, Antwerp, Belgium, Black, White, Gold, Yellow and Blue at Gallery Klerkx, Milano, Italy, Floods Saint Agostino Exhibiting Space in cooperation with GAMeC ( Gallery of Modern ntemporary Art ) at Bergamo, Italy
Wet Feet Bet at Deweer Art Gallery, Otegem, Belgium, Artist Without Borders, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Przemysl, Poland, Shibboleth at Café Gallery Projects, London, UK, First Sudden Gone the One. First Sudden Back, at Project 133, Peckham Rye, London, UK, PERSEvérance at Het Godshuis, Sint Laureins, Belgium
There should be no law for anybody at Window Gallery Walter Van Beirendonck, Antwerp, Belgium, CHAT & CHAT
Dialoog I, Etoiles‐Polaires & Vis À Vis, Art Lab, Xiamen, China, Expo Coquina!, Antwerp, Dialect 02 at Gun Shooting Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium, SuperHasselt at Z33 Museum, Hasselt, Belgium
98% Belgian at Flfty One Fine Art Photography, Antwerp, Belgium, Free Space NICC at Hessenhuis Museum, Antwerp, Belgium